2025 Canine NorCal Open

By Sacramento CERT (other events)

3 Dates Through Jan 19, 2025

CA TF-7 is asking for CERT volunteers to assist with a US&R Search Dog training. CERT volunteers would be assisting with tasks such as:

victims (primary purpose)

meeting participants at the main gate

We may also help with official time keeping during their evaluation.

This evaluation is being held over three days (January 17th, 18th, and 19th), with estimated times of 0800 to about 1500.

As victims, you will be placed in small, dark spaces and asked to remain motionless and quiet to let the handlers and dogs locate you. It may be cold, so bring warm clothing. There may be cadaver dogs as well as live search dogs on site, but our members will not be placed with cadavers.

We need at 2 members for January 17th and 18th for front gate duty, and we need about 10 individuals for January 19th for victims and 2 for gate duty. 

These events have been a lot of fun in the past, and having US&R ask us to help with putting on the training is nod to our members' professionalism.

As a reminder, NO PHOTOGRAPHY OR VIDEO is allowed at the drill sites. All photos/videos taken must be cleared through CERT Operations/CTL before posting to any social media or web site/platform.

If you have any questions, please let us know.

Sacramento CERT

Mailing Address

3230 J Street Attn Sacramento CERT Sacramento, CA 95816