2024 Logistics Work Party

By Sacramento CERT (other events)

Saturday, November 16 2024 9:00 AM 4:00 PM PDT

As with any first responder organization, Logistics is key to a successful operation.

On November 16th our outstanding Logistics team is asking for some help with various projects around our 3900 Roseville Road facility.

Logistics will be on site from 0900-1600 (or until work is completed) to work on a long list of projects and “to do” items. As we all know, many hands make light work, so we are asking for general CERT members to come help out on the 16th to get more work done in less time.

All sorts of work need done, from filing and scanning to cleaning to moving boxes and equipment, so any CERT member can help out if you have the time.

Mailing Address

3230 J Street Attn Sacramento CERT Sacramento, CA 95816