2024 California International Marathon

By Sacramento CERT (other events)

Sunday, December 8 2024 6:00 AM 3:30 PM PDT

The Fastest Course in the West!

The California International Marathon is the #1 Boston Qualifier race in the country, and is one of the Top-10 Largest US Marathons.

The point-to-point, net-downhill course has remained unchanged for 40 years, starting from Folsom’s scenic foothills and ending at the historical California State Capitol. CIM has provided over 100,000 runners of all speeds–from first-timers to the fastest of the fast–the best chance to achieve their marathon goals. 

Sacramento CERT will again be joining other regional CERT programs assisting with race medical. CERT members will join Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) and other groups to staff aid stations along the route. While most programs cover "their" area, you can volunteer anywhere along the route.

This year will be slightly different, as the usualy medical sponsor (UCD) will be replaced by Sutter. We do not yet have specifics on any possible medical briefings by Sutter, so we will pass that information on to those who reigster for the CIM.

The race will be on December 8th. Your start time will depend on where you sign up to help. Folsom is the start of the race, so obviously start times will be earlier. Mid course and late course stations will have a later start (or "call" time), but for any station, you will want to arrive at least 30 minutes before your call time to ensure you can park and get to your staiton. There will be EXTENSIVE road closures along the route. We suggest you try to approach from the North side of your station vs. trying to cross over the course from the South.

Map of the course and the specific aid stations along the route: CLICK HERE

Some important notes:

  • This event will generate donations for Sacramento CERT from the Sacramento Running Association. The more volunteers we can raise, the larger our donation will be. Last year we received $100 per volunteer!

  • You do NOT need to be an EMR to help with this event. Your basic first aid skills can be used at each station (band aids, moleskin, vaseline, etc.). EMRs and EMTs are obviously encouraged to attend, and the event will count towards your EMR event requirements.

  • As the event is spread out across the county, we are listing the location as the start of the race, however your actual station will vary once you sign up with the CIM.

Please consider signing up for this great event!

Sacramento CERT

Mailing Address

3230 J Street Attn Sacramento CERT Sacramento, CA 95816